Japan / Culture

Japan / Culture · 20. January 2013
Former sumo grand champion Taiho died of heart disease on Saturday, January 19, 2013. He was 72. Born on the island of Sakhalin to an Ukrainian father and a Japanese mother, Taiho was promoted to Yokozuna grand champion in 1961 along with his rival Kashiwado. Their rivalry during the 60s became known as "Hakuho era", an epoch-making stage in the history of Japan's national sport. Taiho(大鵬)
Japan / Culture · 03. January 2013
Ikebana lesson / Ikebana Unterricht in Tokyo (生け花レッスン・東京)
Japan / Culture · 20. September 2012
Endlich mal wieder bin ich mit meinem Sohn im Sushi Fließband Restaurant (回転寿司) in unserer Nachbarschaft gewesen.
Japan / Culture · 18. September 2012
Sometimes I come across guests who abruptly pose a question: "Can I see Sumo (大相撲)?" Unfortunately, almost always when such questions arise, they are either in a wrong season or in a wrong city. To see Sumo during their stay in Japan, they must plan their trip in such a way that it fits the schedule of the Grand Sumo Tournaments (Basho 場所).