Japan / History · 04. August 2020
Ich bin zwar nicht ganz so richtig "Tetsu 鉄" (Eisen bzw. Eisenbahnfan), aber reise gerne mit der Fahrkarte "Jugend 18 (青春18)". Als mein Sohn zum ersten Mal diese Fahrkarte erwähnt hatte, als er noch Schüler war, dachte ich, sie sei für 18-jährige Jugendliche. Viele Japaner denken immer noch so. Wie schade! Die Karte ist für alle Eisenbahn Freunde unabhängig vom Alter. In der Zwischenzeit bin ich da beinahe eine Expertin (*^^)v Im Winter 2017 - 2018 habe ich mit dieser Fahrkarte...
Japan / History · 23. October 2012
Tsukishima (月島), literally meaning "Moon (tsuki) Island (shima)", at the mouth of the Sumida River (隅田川), is a reclaimed land. The history of the island, however, can better be described when written in the following combination of Kanji characters: "築 tsuki" and "島 shima". "築" means "to construct or to be constructed", hence it conveys the meaning "constructed island (築島)".
Japan / History · 03. October 2012
Nijubashi (二重橋) or the Double Bridge of the Imperial Palace (皇居) is located over the moat in front of the main gate to the Palace. The stone bridge in front is called "Eyeglass Bridge" because of its appearance.
Japan / History · 13. September 2012
Ceremonial "Tachi" used by the Owari Tokugawa Clan, 17th century (Tokugawa Art Museum, Nagoya, Japan)
Japan / History · 12. September 2012
Kuwana(桑名), a local city in Mie(三重) Prefecture located at the mouth of the famous three rivers of Kiso(木曽三川) is the birthplace of my parents. It was there where they spent their younger days during wartime.